Indiana Jones and the legacy of Harrison Ford

Esquire/Ruvén AfanadorIn a lengthy new interview with Esquire, Harrison Ford delves into well-known territory — how he got his role as Han Solo in Star Wars, for example — and deeper stuff, like what kind of a dad he thinks he is and how he’d like to b…

The challenges to US security posed by ‘salad bar’ extremism

Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) — A Hispanic man accused of shooting and killing eight people at an outlet mall in Texas earlier this month held a mix of views consistent with neo-Nazism and involuntary celibate extremist ideologi…

What is happening in Sudan?

Ahmed Satti/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images(KHARTOUM, Sudan) — Sudan is on the brink of collapse as forces loyal to two rival generals are battling for control of the resource-rich North African nation.

The ongoing conflict has left hundreds of peopl…

Murray: Child care system is ‘broken’

PHOTO: U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) tells the Senate Health Education Labor & Pensions committee Washington women can’t fill job vacancies because child care is too scarce and too expensive. She’s calling on Congress to renew Covid-era